I went on The Nick Daigler Podcast on May 21, 2024.
“Sloww is a digital knowledge base and community that shares insights into the art of living—it’s Kyle’s open-source commonplace book which I find incredibly fascinating. He’s one of the few people I’ve run across on the internet who is a true independent thinker who is synthesizing dots across many different disciplines in an effort to outline what is the good life.” — Nick Daigler
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The Nick Daigler Podcast: Passion, Purpose, Psychological Development, & More
Show Notes
0:37 — Passions/obsessions of thinking and inquiring, passion as what you can’t not do
2:20 — The question of “Who am I?” as the common theme of the journey, evolution of that question and answer
4:08 — Sloww Stages, questioning by stage (“How do I develop by learning?” “How do I design a lighter life?” “How do I find a higher purpose?” etc)
5:27 — Inquiring and thinking as the common foundation of everything, living inquiry (living life as inquiry), aligning intuition and articulation
7:02 — Existential crisis, succeeding on paper but failing the most important subject of life, killing myself with work, transformative learning theory, disorienting dilemmas, 6 months of burnout + purposelessness followed by a 6-week acute existential crisis
12:53 — Transformative Learning Theory process, perspective transformation, the flywheel cycle from questioning to learning to developing, the whole purpose of lifelong learning is deeper development
15:48 — Ego Development Theory, why I resonate so much with EDT, subject-object relationship, more seeing and more compassion, horizontal vs vertical development
27:40 — Personal knowledge management, Sloww as public commonplace book, new Synthesizer course
29:45 — AI, AI tools, how I think about leveraging it, pros and cons
33:46 — The learning is in service of the living
34:57 — Psychological deaths of how you previously identified yourself
38:42 — Describing yourself and what you do, imposter syndrome, pathless path vs entrepreneurship, choosing what to focus on in entrepreneurship, trial and error, “failed” business ideas
50:00 — Ikigai 2.0, mythbusting ikigai, figuring out purpose, job crafting, business development as byproduct of personal development, getting to know thyself psychologically
1:05:00 — Pausing and listening to life, being aware and paying attention, 5 Whys, anticipation vs reflection
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