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Sloww Sunday Newsletter 004 (February 9, 2020) — The Universe, Words of Wisdom, Life Strategy, & More
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Happy Sunday!
Sloww Sunday is a new email newsletter sharing inspiration to awaken the art of living in all of us.
In a modern world focused on the trendy, here’s your weekly dose of the timeless.
1 // New on Sloww
No new posts this week, but that’s because I went all-in on something super exciting that will be launching in the next week or two. By being subscribed to this email, you’ll be the first to hear about it!
In Case You Missed It — Jump into a 3-part post series:
- Slow Living 101: What is Slow Living?
- Busyness 101: Why are we SO BUSY in Modern Life? (7 Hypotheses)
- Happiness 101: The Beginner’s Guide for How to be Happy (Money, Simplicity, Relationships, Culture)
2 // Video I’m Watching
Cosmic Eye: A State-of-the-Art View of the Universe (YouTube | 3 mins) — Last week’s video featured the Overview Effect, and I went down a bit of a YouTube rabbit hole from there. These videos are a fantastic way to immediately reset your perspective on life in under ten minutes.
Other Video Highlights:
Universe Size Comparison 3D (YouTube | 5 mins)
How the Universe is Way Bigger Than You Think (YouTube | 10 mins)
Pair with Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot.
3 // Podcast I’m (Re)Listening To
Naval Ravikant on the Joe Rogan Experience (YouTube | 2 hrs) — This is consistently recommended as one of the best podcast episodes of 2019. Honestly, I’m not sure if I’ve ever listened to anything else that’s as insight-dense. Naval dishes out words of wisdom in every minute and covers wide-ranging topics like: happiness, peace, meaning, desire, authenticity, solitude, creativity, and much more.
At some level, all humans are broad, we’re all multivariate … every human, basically, is capable of every experience and every thought.
— Naval Ravikant
Pair with my favorite 15 timeless thoughts and 50+ of the best Naval quotes from the podcast.
4 // Article I’m Reading
How Will You Measure Your Life? (Harvard Business Review) — Clayton Christensen passed away a couple weeks ago. He’s the best-selling author of several books including one on my reading list by the same name as the article: How Will You Measure Your Life? (1,000+ ratings on Amazon).
Your decisions about allocating your personal time, energy, and talent ultimately shape your life’s strategy.
— Clayton Christensen
Pair with my top posts on life purpose.
5 // Quote & Question I’m Contemplating
Imagine life is a game in which you are juggling five balls … work, family, health, friends, and integrity … Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls … are made of glass.
— James Patterson
This quote seemed to really resonate this week on the Sloww Facebook Page. How’s your juggling going right now? Are you prioritizing rubber or glass?
Bonus // Something I’m Learning
Transjective (or Transjectivity):
- “Transcending the distinction between subjective and objective, or referring to a property not of the subject or the environment but a relatedness co-created between them.” (Wiktionary)
- “The transjective space transcends both the ‘person’ and the ‘thing’. We need to understand that objects and persons are part of a living, breathing ecology of relationships, and that everything affects everything else. A transjective state allows us then to enter ‘the transcendent’ or even ‘the sacred’ world of relationship.” (Andrew Sweeny)
Pair with Maslow’s thoughts on transcendence (the true top of his hierarchy of needs) and the characteristics of self-actualizing transcenders.
Worth sharing? If you enjoyed this issue of Sloww Sunday, please share with a friend or two (or post socially). It’s easy for them to subscribe for free here.
Have feedback? It’s always appreciated! Please let me know by email or socially. Also, please let me know if you come across interesting content on the same wavelength as Sloww. I may be able to include it in an upcoming newsletter.
Have a balanced week!
Go with the Sloww,
Kyle Kowalski
Founder, Sloww