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Sloww Sunday Newsletter 009 (March 15, 2020) — Awakening the World, Blue Zones, a Care Package for Uncertain Times, & More
Sloww Sunday is a new email newsletter sharing inspiration to awaken the art of living.
In a modern world focused on the trendy, here’s your weekly dose of the timeless.
Special Note
I’m wishing all the best for you and your loved ones during this time of continued COVID-19 outbreaks around the world.
Here are a few quotes I’ve been contemplating to cultivate calmness in chaotic times. Maybe they will offer a deep breath for you as well, regardless of where you are or what you may be experiencing:
“There is peace even in the storm.” — Vincent van Gogh
“The Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them. She lets them go their own way, and resides at the center of the circle.” — Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.” — Haruki Murakami
PS: Research shows physically washing your hands can actually psychologically cleanse your mind (Big Think | 3 mins).
1 // New on Sloww
Introducing Sloww Premium — A Lifetime Membership to Dive Deeper into the Art of Living
Sloww Premium offers exclusive member-only content that bridges the gap between why and how if you’re ready to turn your aspiration into action.
Here’s what to know about Sloww Premium:
- Want the rationale for why Sloww has a premium membership? Read the launch announcement.
- Just want the membership details? See the benefits, pricing, FAQs, and more.
2 // Video I’m Watching
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds (Awaken the World | 2 hrs)
This award-winning film series has reached over 30 million people in over 30 languages, but somehow I just discovered it. While some films like this can be low-budget and cheesy, I thought this one was really well done and worth watching. It’s a mind-expanding synthesis.
The truth of who you are does not need an answer because all questions are created by the egoic mind. You are not your mind. The truth lies not in more answers but in less questions.
Pair with:
Here’s Part 1:
3 // Podcast I’m Listening To
Secrets For Longevity & Happiness: Dan Buettner of Blue Zones (Rich Roll Podcast | 90 mins)
I first discovered Blue Zones during my existential crisis in late 2015, and I’ve been fascinated ever since. Blue Zones are the five places on Earth where humans live the longest and healthiest. Dan gives an honest update on his work over the last 15 years and how the Blue Zones have evolved.
To find the Blue Zone, you need to go into peoples’ homes. You need to stop long enough to see detail and to get a feel for what it’s like to live in these places. To see how they cook, to see how they downshift, to see how they live out their purpose, to see how they connect socially.
— Dan Buettner
Pair with:
4 // Article I’m Reading
A Listening Care Package for Uncertain Times (On Being | 3 mins)
I thought this was a wonderful idea—a collection of podcasts and poetry for however you’re processing or experiencing the current pandemic.
“Some nourishment for the solitude and inward-turning this moment compels.” — Krista Tippett
Pair with:
5 // Quote & Question I’m Contemplating

#NOMO, the necessity of missing out.
— Jenny Odell
Question: This quote takes on extra meaning right now. How can you make the most of missing out?
Worth sharing? If you enjoyed this issue of Sloww Sunday, please share with a friend or two (or post socially). It’s easy for them to subscribe for free here.
Have feedback? It’s always appreciated! Please let me know by email or socially. Also, please let me know if you come across interesting content on the same wavelength as Sloww. I may be able to include it in an upcoming newsletter.
Have a reflective week!
Go with the Sloww,
Kyle Kowalski
Founder, Sloww