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Sloww Sunday Newsletter 011 (April 5, 2020) — The Most Fundamental Spiritual Practice, Transcending Self-Actualization, Going Down The Rabbit Hole, & More
Sloww Sunday is an email newsletter sharing inspiration to awaken the art of living.
In a modern world focused on the trendy, here’s your weekly dose of the timeless.
1 // New on Sloww
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2 // Video I’m Watching
There Is Another Way | Special Teaching from Eckhart Tolle (YouTube | 25 mins)
This is a nice introduction to Eckhart Tolle if you aren’t too familiar with him. If you are, then this is a wonderful reminder of what he calls “the most fundamental spiritual practice.”
I’ve resonated with Tolle’s messages during this uncertain time. If you like this video, check out his other recent video:
Staying Conscious in the Face of Adversity (YouTube | 23 mins)
“What does Shakespeare mean when he says, ‘Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so’? So, your very essential spiritual lesson, is to be able to differentiate between a situation that you are experiencing and your mental commentary about the situation that you are experiencing.” — Eckhart Tolle
Pair with:
3 // Speech & Podcast I’m Listening To
Speech: Further Reaches of Human Nature — Abraham Maslow (YouTube | 60 mins)
Podcast: The New Science of Self-Actualization — Scott Barry Kaufman (Modern Wisdom Podcast on YouTube | 57 mins)
Prefer source material? Check out Maslow’s original speech above.
Looking for something new? Give the podcast a listen. Kaufman is a psychologist and author of the new book out this Tuesday called Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization. I’m currently reading it, and a free summary plus premium post will be available in the next week or two.
“I noticed, as a great illumination for me when it dawned on me, that you can make life itself into an artistic product.” — Maslow
Pair with:
4 // Article(s) I’m Reading
The Rabbit Hole — Blas Moros ( | Variety of Lengths)
This site is a goldmine that deserves to be more well-known. Blas has published over 500 book summaries and lists roughly 50 books worth re-reading. Add in essays and teacher reference guides, and you can go down your own rabbit hole for hours at a time.
“Ideas beget ideas and learning begets learning, so when you deeply incorporate these lessons, you can make connections across books, themes, ideas, people, and time, and that’s when this concept of compound learning truly sets in and the flywheel begins to take off.” — Blas Moros
Pair with:
5 // Quote I’m Contemplating

Quote: “There is a contradiction in wanting to be perfectly secure in a universe whose very nature is momentariness and fluidity.” — Alan Watts
Question: Are you trying to control things that are out of your control? Where could you better embrace life’s dynamic nature?
Worth sharing? If you enjoyed this issue of Sloww Sunday, please share with a friend or two (or post socially). It’s easy for them to subscribe for free here.
Have feedback? It’s always appreciated! Please let me know by email or socially. Also, please let me know if you come across interesting content on the same wavelength as Sloww. I may be able to include it in an upcoming newsletter.
Have a transcendent week!
Go with the Sloww,
Kyle Kowalski
Founder, Sloww