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Sloww Sunday Newsletter 017 (May 17, 2020) — The Hero’s Journey, What is Simplicity, Life Learnings, & More
Hi friends,
Sloww Sunday is a weekly newsletter sharing inspiration to awaken the art of living.
In a modern world focused on the trendy, here’s your dose of the timeless.
1 // Sloww Stuff
How the Japanese Wake Up to Joy and Purpose: “Awakening Your Ikigai” by Ken Mogi (Book Summary) — Starting to ramp up research and writing for my next eBook—a synthesis of all things ikigai.
Stream of Consciousness: Can you be Selfish AND Save the World? (Premium) — Really enjoying these “Stream of Consciousness” premium posts. This is the fifth big question addressed so far, and one of my personal favorites.
2 // Video I’m Watching
Your Life is Not a Hero’s Journey (YouTube | 28 mins)
Continuing from last week’s video, this is #2 in a new 3-part series on the relation between stories and our identities. This episode examines the history of the heroic adventure, and the implications of projecting the hero’s journey on our own lives. Looking forward to part three!
“Why are stories so purposefully structured whereas our reality is so often messy and chaotic? Why do characters have clear transformative arcs when our identities and personal journeys are so much more complex than that?” — Tom van der Linden (Like Stories of Old)
3 // Speech I’m Listening To
What is Simplicity? — J. Krishnamurti (YouTube | 3 mins)
A short but powerful reminder about the difference between outward simplicity and inward simplicity.
Pair with the top 10 reasons for simple living and why humanity will evolve through simplicity.
“The outward exhibition of simplicity is not necessarily inward simplicity. That is quite a different thing. Simplicity there is to have no conflict, no burning desires and ambitions. You see, we always want simplicity outwardly, and inwardly we are boiling, burning, destroying … Simplicity implies honesty, so that there is no contradiction in oneself. And when there is such a state of mind there is real simplicity.” — Krishnamurti
4 // Article I’m (Re)reading
13 Life-Learnings from 13 Years of Brain Pickings (8 mins)
Always worth revisiting the top life lessons from Maria Popova—one of the greatest living synthesizers.
Pair with my all-time top 3 learnings from Maria Popova of Brain Pickings.
“The most important things this all-consuming daily endeavor taught me about writing and living — largely notes to myself, perhaps best thought of as resolutions in reverse.” — Maria Popova
5 // Quote I’m Contemplating

Quote: “Simplicity is so attractive and so profitable that it is strange that so few people lead truly simple lives.” — Leo Tolstoy
Question: Are you sold on simplicity? Where can you better embrace simplicity in your life?
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Also, please let me know if you come across interesting content on the same wavelength as Sloww. I may be able to include it in an upcoming newsletter.
Have a simple week!
Go with the Sloww,
Kyle Kowalski
Founder, Sloww