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Sloww Sunday Newsletter 046 (Jan 24, 2021) — Seeking True Wealth, Living Integrally, Finding Meaning, & More
Hi friends,
Sloww Sunday is a free newsletter delivering the latest from Sloww along with the most interesting things I came across this week.
New News
🧘 I finished reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and ended up with 10,000+ words of notes! I’m cutting that down into a book summary coming next week. Premium members will also have access to my ultimate Eckhart Tolle synthesis of The Power of Now + A New Earth.
Sloww Stuff
🆕 The Parable of the Beggar: The Treasure You Seek is Within You
(1 min read | Sloww)
A short story from The Power of Now. Do you realize that you already have the true wealth that you are seeking?
“I am that stranger who has nothing to give you and who is telling you to look inside. Not inside any box, as in the parable, but somewhere even closer: inside yourself.” — Eckhart Tolle
🆕 An Introduction to Integral Theory: “The Integral Vision” by Ken Wilber (Book Summary)
(8 min read | Sloww)
I officially dove into Integral Theory. What is it? Let’s just say Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Ego Development Theory, and more all converge here. It’s a deep subject, so I’m starting with introductory-level material. This book was a quick read.
“What if we took literally everything that all the various cultures have to tell us about human potential—about spiritual growth, psychological growth, social growth—and put it all on the table?” — Ken Wilber
Modern Knowledge
☸️ Introduction to Integral Theory
(30 min video | YouTube)
This is one of the best intro videos I’ve found about Integral Theory. All of the 5 key elements are covered: the quadrants, lines of development, stages of development, states of consciousness, and types.
“You can keep growing. There truly are higher stages of consciousness—stages of development—that are available to you. And, if you don’t know about those, you’re actually being cheated out of your own higher humanity.” — Ken Wilber
Timeless Wisdom
🧠 Viktor Frankl on our Need for Meaning & Purpose
(7 min video | YouTube)
This 1972 interview with Viktor Frankl gives you the gist of Man’s Search for Meaning in under ten minutes. Frankl covers: the existential vacuum, logotherapy, the type of person most likely to survive the concentration camps, and the few main ways to find meaning in life. Interestingly, he didn’t view the “bestseller” status of his book as an achievement or accomplishment on his part. Instead, he saw it as an expression of the meaning crisis of our time.
Pair with my Man’s Search for Meaning book summary and 🔒Premium summary.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” — Viktor Frankl
💭 Deep Quote
“If how I spend today is how I spend the rest of my days, would I be happy? Would I be fulfilled and proud? Would I feel a sense of purpose? And at the very end when my cosmic day is done and I look back, will it have been a good life? Will it have been a meaningful life?”
— Maria Popova
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Have a purposeful week!
Kyle Kowalski
Founder, Sloww