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Sloww Sunday Newsletter 060 (May 9, 2021) — The Purpose of Being, Power of Polarities, A Physicist’s Eulogy, & More
Hi friends,
Sloww Sunday is a free newsletter delivering the latest from Sloww along with the most interesting modern knowledge and timeless wisdom I discovered last week.
To respect your time and attention, every newsletter can be read in under 5 minutes. Enjoy!
Sloww Stuff
New Public Post:
🌌 Why You Want a Physicist to Speak at Your Funeral
This is short 3-minute speech by writer and performer Aaron Freeman about why you want a physicist to speak at your funeral. Hints: Laws of thermodynamics, conservation of energy, and more.
In Case You Missed It:
🔒 Is Death the Best Invention of Life?
Last year, I ventured deep into the topic of death. It ended with investigating this ultimate question in a Premium Stream of Consciousness post.
Modern Knowledge
♾️ The Power of Polarities
(14 mins | YouTube)
In this TEDx Talk, Shoshana Boyd Gelfand gives a nice introduction to polarity thinking. She defines a polarity as an ongoing problem with two correct answers that are interdependent. We experience polarities all the time: breathing (inhale and exhale), relationships (self and other), and organizations (tradition and change). Perhaps one of the ultimate polarities is humanity itself (individual and collective). Many things in life are polarities to be leveraged instead of problems to be solved.
If this piqued your interest and you want to learn more, I highly recommend watching the second video with Barry Johnson—the go-to expert on polarity thinking.
“Next time you’re faced with an intractable problem, take a deep breath and remember just because inhale is true doesn’t mean that exhale isn’t also true.” — Shoshana Boyd Gelfand
Timeless Wisdom
🌎 The Purpose of Being
(3 mins | YouTube)
A short 3-minute clip from Charles Eisenstein. Why are we here? Is it just to survive, reproduce, and grow?
“In nature, every being contributes something to the ecosystem. Every species—in the long run—makes that ecosystem more alive than before … Over time, ecosystems tend toward more and more complexity, more and more biodiversity. They become more alive … As human beings, we are here to bring more life and beauty to the world.” — Charles Eisenstein
🤯 Mind Expanding
Mind-blowing, jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring content has the power to shift your perspective in an instant.
The electrical blueprints that orchestrate life. This is a 100% guarantee to blow your mind. Biologist Michael Levin says DNA isn’t the only builder in the biological world—there’s also a mysterious bioelectric layer directing cells to work together.
💭 Deep Quote
“Man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth.” — James Allen
Pair with this book summary: “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen
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Feedback: Have something you want to say, or just want to say hi? It’s always much appreciated. Just send me an email or reach out socially.
Have a conscious week!
Kyle Kowalski
Solopreneur & Synthesizer, Sloww