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Sloww Sunday Newsletter 062 (May 23, 2021) — Mastering Money, Regenerative Wisdom, Stoicism Saving the World, & More
Hi friends,
Sloww Sunday is a free newsletter delivering the latest from Sloww along with the most interesting modern knowledge and timeless wisdom I discovered last week.
To respect your time and attention, every newsletter can be read in under 5 minutes. Enjoy!
New News
🙏 Thank you to bestselling author and nutritional biohacker Ben Greenfield for the shoutout in his recent comprehensive article about his favorite sources of wisdom:
“I am a subscriber to Farnham Street and Sloww. I’ve found these sites useful for staying current with the best recently published books and articles with general wisdom and useful, inspirational, or motivational content from around the web.”
Sloww Stuff
New Public Post:
🤑 Money Mind Manifesto — Master Your Mind from the Mental Disease of More Money
Social media is obsessed with money. But, even those who have accumulated money have rarely conquered their “money mind.” Why is this? And, the bigger question: can we transcend the “mental disease” of more money?
In Case You Missed It:
🔒 My Evolving Relationship toward the “Money Middle Way”
Over the last decade—and especially the last few years—I’ve noticed an emerging evolution in my relationship with money toward what I describe as the “money middle way.” I’ve received some questions about my relationship with money, so I figured I’d finally cover this part of my journey. The phases I’ve experienced have gone from: 1) a non-existent relationship with money to 2) an aversion relationship with money to 3) a healthy relationship with money.
Bonus: If you are a Premium member, don’t forget to join hundreds already reading the new eBook: Ikigai 2.0: A Step-by-Step Guidebook to Finding Life Purpose & Making Money Meaningfully (+ Bonus Workbook)
Modern Knowledge
🧬 The Regenerative Wisdom of The Body
(19 mins | YouTube)
A couple weeks ago, the “mind expanding” section of Sloww Sunday highlighted a recent TED Talk from biologist Michael Levin called “The Electrical Blueprints that Orchestrate Life.” It was so fascinating that I started diving even deeper into Levin’s work. This one is equally mind-blowing—so much so that I won’t even attempt to summarize it. Do yourself a favor and watch it.
“There are hidden patterns in things that are not apparent until you look at them in the appropriate way.” — Michael Levin
Timeless Wisdom
🤔 Will Stoicism Save the World?
(21 mins | YouTube)
This brief presentation from Peter Limberg makes the case for being a Stoic during the current cultural meta-crisis. If you aren’t familiar with Peter, check out his project The Stoa. Peter says there’s a difference between “dictionary stoicism” and “philosophical Stoicism.” The classic Stoics in ancient Greece focused on three subjects that should be studied equally: physics, logic, and ethics. The four Socratic virtues are: wisdom (the mother of all virtues), fortitude, temperance, and justice.
3 Stoic Heuristics from Epictetus:
- Dichotomy of Control: “We should always be asking ourselves: ‘Is this something that is, or is not, in my control?'”
- Amor Fati (Love of Fate): “Do not seek for things to happen the way you want them to; rather, wish that what happens happen the way it happens: then you will be happy.”
- Negative Visualization: “When you are going to perform an act, remind yourself what kind of things the act may involve … Do this for every act, so that if any hindrance does emerge, you can think: I did not prepare myself only to undertake the act, but also for this hindrance that has occurred, and also to handle this hindrance virtuously & keep my will conformed to nature — and this will be impossible if I become vexed.”
Pair with these Book Summaries:
“Philosophical Stoicism … ‘philosophy as a way of life’ that when embodied encourages one to live in accordance with nature (or be in the right relationship with reality).” — Peter Limberg
🤯 Mind Expanding
Mind-blowing, jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring content has the power to shift your perspective in an instant.
A visualization of the difference between truth and perspectives.
Pair with: The Blind Men and The Elephant: A Short Story about Perspective
💭 Deep Quote
“The quality of the world that comes to your attention is determined by the quality of the attention you bring to it.” — Iain McGilchrist
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Feedback: Have something you want to say, or just want to say hi? It’s always much appreciated. Just send me an email or reach out socially.
Have an attentive week!
Kyle Kowalski
Solopreneur & Synthesizer, Sloww