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Sloww Sunday Newsletter 138 (Mar 26, 2023) — Live Now, Four Agreements, Embodied Nonduality, & More
Sloww Sunday shares creations from Sloww along with curations of fascinating finds to 10,000+ students of life. If you enjoy this issue, please help grow Sloww by forwarding the email version of this newsletter to other lifelong learners.
🆕 New News
Sloww is now on YouTube
You can now subscribe to the Sloww YouTube channel! I’ve also created a playlist for podcast appearances, and my first video gives you a quick tour of the Meta-Crisis Meta-Resource.👇
Meta-Crisis Updates
Last year, I curated a digital directory of 100+ people and projects related to the meta-crisis at (if you’re wondering what the meta-crisis is, start here).
This year, I’ve made a bunch of new updates:
- Meta-Crisis Maps & Syntheses (15+)
- Meta-Crisis Communities (15+)
- Meta-Crisis Podcasts (25+)
- Meta-Crisis YouTube Channels (50+)
- Meta-Crisis Subreddits (75+)
- Meta-Crisis Books & Papers (75+)
- Meta-Crisis Twitter List (200+)
- Meta-Crisis Hashtags (250+)
📚 Lifelong Learning
How to take Smart Notes
A few weeks ago I highlighted How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler. This week, pair it with How to Take Smart Notes by Sönke Ahrens (Book Summary | 🔒Premium Summary). To go even deeper, check out Niklas Luhmann’s smart note-taking system: Zettelkasten 101.
”An idea kept private is as good as one you never had.” — Sönke Ahrens
🌎 Lighter Living
First Two Podcasts are Live!
Don’t forget to check out my first two podcasts (many more on the way). If you only have time for one of the two episodes, I’d suggest those most interested in intentional living and finding purpose watch the first one, while those more interested in mental mastery and spiritual growth listen to the second one.
- What Got You There Podcast: YouTube, Spotify, Apple (+ detailed show notes & bonus notes from Podcast Notes)
- Audience of One Podcast: Spotify, Apple (+ detailed show notes and pre-show Q&A)
Explore more: How do I design a lighter life? (Sloww Stage 1)
🧭 Deeper Purpose
Why live long if you’re not living now?
Longevity and ‘curing death’ seem to be all the rage these days. But, why do so many want to live long when they aren’t even living now? I’m reminded of these quotes from Seneca’s On the Shortness of Life (Book Summary):
- “You must not think a man has lived long because he has white hair and wrinkles: he has not lived long, just existed long.” — Seneca
- “Putting things off is the biggest waste of life: it snatches away each day as it comes, and denies us the present by promising the future. The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today. You are arranging what lies in Fortune’s control, and abandoning what lies in yours. What are you looking at? To what goal are you straining? The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately.” — Seneca
Here are a couple other favorites that continue to inspire me to live now:
- “Any day is a good day for a midlife crisis. After all, you never know when it will be the middle of your life.” — Unknown
- “The Master gives himself up to whatever the moment brings. He knows that he is going to die, and he has nothing left to hold on to: no illusions in his mind, no resistances in his body. He doesn’t think about his actions; they flow from the core of his being. He holds nothing back from life; therefore he is ready for death, as a man is ready for sleep after a good day’s work.” — Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching, Stephen Mitchell Version)
Explore more: How do I find higher purpose (Sloww Stage 2)?
Get the eBook: Ikigai 2.0: A Step-by-Step Guidebook to Finding Life Purpose & Making Money Meaningfully (+ Bonus Workbook)
🧠 Mental Wealth
The Four Agreements
I originally read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz (Book Summary) over two years ago. At the time, it didn’t occur to me how much this book is about the process of socialization and conditioning (what he calls “domestication”).
I just revisited it and created a Premium summary: 🔒How to achieve Personal Freedom with “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz (+ Infographics)
“This way of life is possible, and it’s in your hands. Moses called it the Promised Land, Buddha called it Nirvana, Jesus called it Heaven, and the Toltec call it a New Dream … Your life is the manifestation of your dream; it is an art. And you can change your life anytime if you aren’t enjoying the dream. Dream masters create a masterpiece of life.” — Don Miguel Ruiz
Explore more: How do I master the mind (Sloww Stage 3)?
Get Mini Mind: 365 Daily Emails of Bite-Size Brain Food
☯️ Timeless Wisdom
Nondual Empiricism & Embodied Nonduality
Nicholas Lattanzio is a licensed clinical psychologist who applies nondual wisdom in his professional work and is developing a metaphysics called “nondual empiricism.” I first came across his work at the UTOK (Unified Theory of Knowledge) Consilience Conference recently, and it immediately resonated. Right after the conference, I dove straight into the deep end. His work encompasses direct experience, self-enquiry, the meta-crisis, free will, and more.
This new Premium post covers everything currently available: 🔒Nondual Empiricism Synthesis: How to embody Nonduality with Nicholas Lattanzio
“We don’t have consciousness; consciousness has us. Human beings do not experience consciousness; consciousness experiences being a human being.” —Nicholas Lattanzio
Explore more: How do I embody wisdom (Sloww Stage 4)?
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Speak: Have something you want to say, or just want to say hi? It’s always greatly appreciated. Just reply to this email or reach out socially.
Go with the Sloww,
Kyle Kowalski
Synthesizer & Solopreneur