Welcome! This page is your “quick start guide” to all things Sloww.
Let’s run through 10 questions you may be thinking:
- Who are you?
- What is Sloww?
- Who is Sloww for?
- What are the free eBook & email newsletter?
- How can I go straight to the best content?
- What are some other interesting things I should know about?
- What is the Synthesizer Course?
- What is the Premium Membership?
- How can I support the site?
- How can I follow and contact Sloww?
Start Here
1. Who are you?

👋 Hi, I’m Kyle—the human behind Sloww.
I’m an ex-marketing executive turned self-education entrepreneur after an existential crisis.
Let’s be honest and lay it all out there: I was making $200k/year to manage a $20M/year marketing budget to make people buy more $20 denim jeans. Sounds like I was living the dream of a high-paying job in the apparel/fashion industry, right? Well, turns out it wasn’t my dream. The lack of meaning far outweighed the money. An existential crisis led to increasing cognitive dissonance which led to becoming a corporate dropout. I opted to stop selling my soul, and I quit my career. Now, I’m making way less money, but I have an overflowing amount of meaning.
It turns out my primary passions in life are questioning and thinking. In one sentence: my purpose is synthesizing lifelong learning that catalyzes deeper development. But, I’m not a professor, philosopher, psychologist, sociologist, anthropologist, scientist, mystic, or guru. I’m an interconnector across all those humans and many more—an “independent, inquiring, interdisciplinary integrator” (in other words, it’s just me over here, asking questions, crossing disciplines, and making connections). To keep it simple, you can just call me a “synthesizer.”
Sloww is my synthesis on the art of living for students of life. Over the last decade, I’ve deeply explored lifelong learning, human development, intentional living, life purpose, mental mastery, and spiritual seeing. I share all my learning and living (and living and learning) with 10,000+ email subscribers and 50,000+ social followers.
Here’s more about my story and my podcast appearances.

2. What is Sloww?
Sloww is a trusted resource of lifelong learning that guides you to see and understand yourself and the world in new ways—catalyzing your deeper development and transforming your entire life.
I’m creating the web’s deepest guide to the art of living through an interdisciplinary synthesis of the world’s wisdom across diverse yet interconnected disciplines.
Learn more about Sloww and what I’m working on now.
3. Who is Sloww for?
Sloww is for students of life. No matter where you are in your journey, Sloww is your go-to guide to the art of living fully alive.
- Synthesizers focusing on the ‘meta-crisis’ by asking questions, crossing disciplines, and connecting dots (Stage Support)
- Shifters focusing on the ‘more crisis’ by downshifting from external to internal (Stage 1)
- Seekers focusing on the ‘meaning crisis’ by giving oneself uniquely beyond oneself (Stage 2)
- Sensemakers focusing on the ‘memetic crisis’ by building a robust mental immune system (Stage 3)
- Seers focusing on the ‘me crisis’ by transcending mind and living in the unfolding flow (Stage 4)

4. What are the free eBook & email newsletter?
Hierarchy of Happiness eBook — The free 50-page eBook is delivered immediately in your welcome email. It covers 100+ powerful perspectives on how to be happy (physically, mentally, and spiritually). Read more about the eBook.
Sloww Sunday Newsletter — Sent weekly on (you guessed it) Sundays. I come across all sorts of intriguing content in any given week, and this email is where I share the best of what I find. In a modern world focused on the trendy, it’s your weekly dose of the timeless.
Get the free eBook and email newsletter by signing up here:
5. How can I go straight to the best content?
Sloww has 600+ posts on the site of high wisdom-per-word content so you can get wise in less time.
You can start with the most popular posts or 10 most life-changing ideas I’ve discovered.
I published my first paid eBook: Ikigai 2.0: A Step-by-Step Guidebook to Finding Life Purpose & Making Money Meaningfully (+ Bonus Workbook).
I also launched another new product for those interested in mental models and cognitive biases: Mini Mind: 365 daily emails of bite-size brain food.
And, another product for those interested in a new way to grow wiser and move more: Wise Walk: 366 daily moving meditations.
Love reading?
- Book Summaries (Free): 100+ high-quality, detailed, nonfiction book summaries.
- Book Recommendations (Free): 50+ best books I’ve read to date.
- Reading List (Free): 450+ books selectively curated over the years.
6. What are some other interesting things I should know about?
Check out the list of intentional living challenges and experiments.
Like quotes? Here are the top quote posts along with my all-time favorites: Art of Living Quotes, Busy Quotes, Choice & Priority Quotes, Contentment Quotes, Death Quotes, Happiness Quotes, Lifelong Learning Quotes, Minimalism Quotes, Perspective Quotes, Purpose Quotes, Simple Living Quotes, Solitude Quotes, Stoic Quotes, Time Quotes
Want to see a bit of everything the site has to offer? Feel free to use the global search bar on the site to search for specific interest areas, or browse posts by category:
Slow living, unbusyness, simple living, voluntary simplicity, downshifting, decluttering, minimalism, essentialism, financial independence, life purpose, meaning of life, death, happiness, self-actualization, lifestyle design, biology, psychology, philosophy, spirituality, systems thinking, cognitive biases, mental models, wisdom, transcendence, enlightenment, free will, and more.
7. What is the Synthesizer Course?
There’s a multitude of notetaking and writing courses, but where are all the courses about thinking? Finally, we have the course for thinkers. The Sloww Synthesizer course is the flagship course for synthesizing minds—the most important mind of the future. Explore Synthesizer.

8. What is the Premium Membership?
Sloww Premium has 1000+ global members from 75+ countries. Learn everything about the membership including the exclusive content, infographics, discounts, and Sloww Society online community right here: Unlock Sloww Premium.

9. How can I support the site?
Please visit the Support page for a few free and paid ways to support Sloww. Anything is appreciated!
- Become a Premium Member, join the Synthesizer course, or buy the Ikigai 2.0 eBook, Mini Mind, and/or Wise Walk
- Make a PayPal Donation
- Shop / Sign up with Affiliate Links
- Subscribe to the Free Newsletter
- Follow Socially & Share Content
- Simply come back often and learn something new!
10. How can I follow and contact Sloww?
Follow along on these social channels:
Twitter // Facebook // Instagram // Pinterest // LinkedIn // YouTube
You can find FAQs and a contact form here. If you are a real human who wants to get in touch, please contact me via email at kyle(at)sloww(dot)co. While I may not be able to respond to every message, I do read every single one.
If you made it this far, thank you! I’m deeply grateful you made your way here, and I hope Sloww will be a go-to guide on your own journey through life.
Go with the Sloww,
Kyle Kowalski
Founder, Sloww